Written by: AWS Community Builder Wang Sheng Hau
於去年八月時很開心受邀加入了AWS Community Builders Program,覺得能和各領域 AWS 的高手一起學習感到開心,繼續努力繼續加油,感謝 AWS 給我這個機會。
I'm delighted to have been invited to join the AWS Community Builders Program. I'm excited to have the opportunity to learn from experts in various AWS domains and will continue to work hard. Thank you, AWS, for this opportunity.
噢耶,我終於出現在 AWS Community Builder 網站上❤️。 能夠躋身台灣10位傑出CB之列,真的很榮幸。 今年8月份我無意中選擇了AWS Community Builder。 加入後,我發現了很多資源。 您能夠學習並使用它,這真是太棒了。 很高興能夠和各國優秀的CB一起學習和討論科技。 🎉 不斷學習成長,努力讓更多人以更簡單的方式了解AWS Service。
Oh ya, I finally appeared on the AWS Community Builder website ❤️. It’s really an honor to be among the 10 outstanding CBs in Taiwan. I accidentally chose AWS Community Builder in August this year. After joining, I found a lot of resources. It’s really awesome that you can learn and use it. I’m really happy to be able to learn and discuss technology with outstanding CBs from various countries. 🎉 Continue to learn and grow, and strive to let more people understand AWS Service in a simpler way. Thanks you Amazon Web Services (AWS) Jason Dunn